Technical details of the cairo tests

Normalizing undefined bits in RGB24 images

Cairo ImageSurfaces using the cairo.FORMAT_RGB24 pixel format have undefined bits inside their buffers, which leads to false mismatches when comparing two such surfaces by their buffer contents. The test runner goes to some effort to canonicalise the buffer contents so that equal RGB24 images compare equal:

>>> import cairo
>>> def create_surface(x1, y1, x2, y2):
...     surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, 100, 100)
...     ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
...     ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1)
...     ctx.paint()
...     ctx.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100)
...     ctx.move_to(x1, y1)
...     ctx.line_to(x2, y2)
...     ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
...     ctx.stroke()
...     return surface
>>> sample_txt = write('sample.txt', """\
... .. figure:: rgb24.png
...     ``create_surface(25, 50, 75, 50)``
... """)
>>> from tl.testing.cairo import DocFileSuite
>>> run(DocFileSuite(sample_txt, globs={'create_surface': create_surface}))
Ran 1 test in N.NNNs

On the other hand, canonicalisation must not be overzealous: different images still have to yield a mismatch:

>>> def create_surface(x1, y1, x2, y2):
...     surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, 100, 100)
...     ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
...     ctx.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100)
...     ctx.move_to(y1, x1)
...     ctx.line_to(y2, x2)
...     ctx.stroke()
...     return surface
>>> run(DocFileSuite(sample_txt, globs={'create_surface': create_surface}))
FAIL: /test_dir/sample.txt
File "/test_dir/sample.txt", line 1, in sample.txt:
Failed example:
    create_surface(25, 50, 75, 50)
Image differs from expectation: rgb24.png
Ran 1 test in N.NNNs
FAILED (failures=1)

Matching multi-line figure captions

The way both regular expressions and Python code are employed to match figures which are to be evaluated as graphical doc-tests is complex enough to deserve some tests of its own.

A caption must contain exactly one pair of double back-ticks in order for the Python expression to be determined unambiguously:

>>> sample_txt = write('sample.txt', """\
... .. figure:: rgb24.png
...     some text ``create_surface(25, 50, 75, 50) some more text
... """)
>>> mock = Mock()
>>> run(DocFileSuite(sample_txt, globs={'create_surface': mock}))
Ran 1 test in N.NNNs
>>> mock.called
>>> sample_txt = write('sample.txt', """\
... .. figure:: rgb24.png
...     some text ``create_surface(25, 50, 75, 50)`` some ``more`` text
... """)
>>> mock = Mock()
>>> run(DocFileSuite(sample_txt, globs={'create_surface': mock}))
Ran 1 test in N.NNNs
>>> mock.called

Multi-line captions should be recognized by being limited by whitespace-only lines and the Python expression may be spread across several lines. In the following example, we see that the caption doesn’t include the last text line by the fact that the additional double back-ticks don’t hinder recognition of the expression:

>>> sample_txt = write('sample.txt', """\
... .. figure:: rgb24.png
...     some text ``create_surface(25,
...      50, 75, 50)`` some more text
...     text that doesn't belong to ``the`` caption
... """)
>>> mock = Mock()
>>> run(DocFileSuite(sample_txt, globs={'create_surface': mock}))
FAIL: /test_dir/sample.txt ...
>>> mock.call_args
call(25, 50, 75, 50)

Captions should also be completely recognized right at the end of the file:

>>> sample_txt = write('sample.txt', """\
... .. figure:: rgb24.png
...     some text ``create_surface(25,
...      50, 75, 50)`` some more text
... """)
>>> mock = Mock()
>>> run(DocFileSuite(sample_txt, globs={'create_surface': mock}))
FAIL: /test_dir/sample.txt ...
>>> mock.call_args
call(25, 50, 75, 50)

Even the final newline character is not necessary:

>>> sample_txt = write('sample.txt', """\
... .. figure:: rgb24.png
...     some text ``create_surface(25,
...      50, 75, 50)`` some more text""")
>>> mock = Mock()
>>> run(DocFileSuite(sample_txt, globs={'create_surface': mock}))
FAIL: /test_dir/sample.txt ...
>>> mock.call_args
call(25, 50, 75, 50)

Test options

If the options given in the caption of a graphical test cannot be evaluated, the error reported contains the original traceback as well as the first line number of the erroneous example:

>>> sample_txt = write('sample.txt', """\
... .. figure:: rgb24.png
...     ``create_surface(25, 50, 75, 50)`` # options: foo=bar
... """)
>>> run(DocFileSuite(sample_txt, globs={'create_surface': create_surface}))
ERROR: /test_dir/sample.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: Options could not be evaluated in example at line 1:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    NameError: name 'bar' is not defined
Ran 1 test in N.NNNs
FAILED (errors=1)